2024 Lexus LC 500/500h/Convertible
Disclaimer: Lease and finance rates are based on the 2024 Lexus LC 500/500h/Convertible
All offers are valid until the end of the program (Sept 30, 2024) and are subject to change or cancellation without notice.
*Limited time lease or financing offer is provided through Lexus Canada Inc.'s financial institution on approved credit.
^^ See in store for more details. 1Loyalty Offer: To qualify for lease and finance rate reductions of up to 1.5% (“Loyalty Offer”) you must already be a current Lexus Financial Services retail lease or finance Guest (owner or lessee) when you lease or finance a qualifying Lexus vehicle through Lexus Financial Services from participating Canadian Lexus Dealers during the Offer Period. Previously delivered vehicles are excluded. Eligible individuals are current owners/lessees of a Lexus vehicle. Proof of name, current address and current vehicle registration required. Current vehicle owner/lessee/co-lessee must be named as owner/lessee/co-lessee of new qualifying Lexus vehicle. Limit of one offer per owner/lessee per current vehicle. Loyalty Offer is not transferable including not transferable to those within the same household. Loyalty Offer not combinable with LCPO Program, Encore Program, Fleet Subsidy or other loyalty programs. For the avoidance of doubt, in no cases will rate be reduced below 0%.
All offers are valid until the end of the program (Sept 30, 2024) and are subject to change or cancellation without notice.
*Limited time lease or financing offer is provided through Lexus Canada Inc.'s financial institution on approved credit.
^^ See in store for more details. 1Loyalty Offer: To qualify for lease and finance rate reductions of up to 1.5% (“Loyalty Offer”) you must already be a current Lexus Financial Services retail lease or finance Guest (owner or lessee) when you lease or finance a qualifying Lexus vehicle through Lexus Financial Services from participating Canadian Lexus Dealers during the Offer Period. Previously delivered vehicles are excluded. Eligible individuals are current owners/lessees of a Lexus vehicle. Proof of name, current address and current vehicle registration required. Current vehicle owner/lessee/co-lessee must be named as owner/lessee/co-lessee of new qualifying Lexus vehicle. Limit of one offer per owner/lessee per current vehicle. Loyalty Offer is not transferable including not transferable to those within the same household. Loyalty Offer not combinable with LCPO Program, Encore Program, Fleet Subsidy or other loyalty programs. For the avoidance of doubt, in no cases will rate be reduced below 0%.